Tag Archives: character

A YAY FROM JAYE: Blue Satin Sashes

She couldn’t determine if her shivering was from the cold, brisk air or the fear that was traveling up and down her spine. She knew nobility was in her blood although it wasn’t warm enough to keep her still. She was approaching a great social gathering so her anxiety was justified; but how could she arrive as everything she was created to be when back at home she was hidden? At home, she was a wealthy heiress who had no real access to her riches. She lived in a glorious estate but walked around with a servant’s countenance. She didn’t have to
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ViFi Character: Daddy Craw

"I got somethin’ I wanna told you. They call me Craw. I come from the humble beginnings of the swampy backwoods of this here town we call The City of Dupli. That is Dupli as in rhyme wit ’you lie’ (but I trail off my story). Been goin’ by Craw fuh as long as I can remembuh. They say it all began when I first started gettin’ ‘round. They put me in that lil baby walker and I went to scootin’ all over the place. They say I liked pushin’ myself backwards with my feet just like a crawdad. From that moment on I done had
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