Tag Archives: my1creation

Be My Guest: Art from the Sacred Heart of Earvin LaCour

  IMG_2446 I can’t tell you about the artwork of esteemed artist, Earvin LaCour, without first telling you about the man. I would be remiss in jumping into descriptions of his paintings without telling you first about the great person behind them. This may be true of most artists and craftsmen, but there is a unique, endearing quality I perceive especially in this one. It is evident that his Whole Self comes forth through each of his creations. Earvin is a husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, painter, storyteller, intellect, teacher,
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A PICTURE OF HEALTH: Heal The Woman, Heal The World

You’ve heard the expression, “Happy wife, happy life.” Is it true? Many studies show it is. Reports say, when a wife is happy, her husband highly appraises the quality of their marriage. That’s nice for couples, isn’t it? What about everybody else? Well you don’t have to be married to embrace this quaint maxim. As a matter of fact, we’d all do well to incorporate it in our consciousness for reproductive health and, in my opinion, the healing of mankind. It all starts with the place where life is first developed— the womb. Now before the men say, “What does that have to do with
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A YAY FROM JAYE: Blue Satin Sashes

She couldn’t determine if her shivering was from the cold, brisk air or the fear that was traveling up and down her spine. She knew nobility was in her blood although it wasn’t warm enough to keep her still. She was approaching a great social gathering so her anxiety was justified; but how could she arrive as everything she was created to be when back at home she was hidden? At home, she was a wealthy heiress who had no real access to her riches. She lived in a glorious estate but walked around with a servant’s countenance. She didn’t have to
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GETAWAY WITH JAYE: On A Blanket of Clouds

I took this photo on a road trip. I started the poem in the air on a plane and I finished it after landing on the ground. Remembering that made me think how ideas begin in the mind. They will stay there if we let them; but if we express them we give them a life of their own. All things manifested started in the invisible first. We give life. Let's give more life everyday.   This post is in honor of World Poetry Day celebrated March 21st. Blanket of Clouds Pic
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